Recruitment and Selection

Supporting your selection...

Recruiting the right person for the right job is critical to any business. Osprey HR Consultants support companies through the complete Recruitment and Selection process, from defining the business need, writing the brief, sourcing candidates whether through press advertising or targeted search, matching people to your specification and ensuring that all relevant applicants are fully motivated to work for your organisation.

Osprey HR will design the selection process so that candidates meet the job requirements and, as importantly, fit into the culture of the organisation. Managers will be supported and coached through the interviewing process itself, and psychometric testing is carried out by fully qualified practitioners as required. Assessment Centres, which are one of the most thorough and successful routes to select the best candidates, are designed and run where applicable.

Securing a good candidate is one step, ensuring they start delivering quickly in their new role is the next, to ensure that business costs are limited, so appropriate induction programmes are designed and follow-up mentoring and coaching can be provided.

Working in partnership with your organisation, and not necessarily solely within the narrow transactional confines of filling vacancies, fees is geared towards consultant time rather than just a percentage of salary, by:

  • Defining the business requirement and recruitment process
  • Sourcing candidates
  • Creative Advertising Design and Copywriting assistance or candidate search
  • Support through the selection process
  • Post recruitment induction design and management